
Thursday, September 01, 2005

A New Kind of Conversation

So I came across this upcoming blog-book in my daily blog reading. It's a grass-roots, free-form kind of discussion being geared up in blog format by Brian McLaren, Mabiala Kenzo, Bruce Ellis Benson, Ellen Haroutunian, Myron Penner and you! That's right, sign up to be a part of the conversation and you can make your voice heard if you so wish. Here's the description from the site...

Blogging Toward a Postmodern Faith

This blog-book will discuss what a postmodern evangelical faith looks like. The blog format will make it possible to allow you the reader, to participate in the writing of both the blog and the eventual published book to follow by Paternoster Press. Be a part of this experiment in conversation by adding your voice to the discussion.

Sign up if you are interested at http://www.anewkindofconversation.com/


September 01, 2005 11:44 AM , Anonymous:

The amount of spam here is incredible!

Oh yeah, and visit my site.




September 01, 2005 2:07 PM , James:

Nice... yeah normally I don't get a lot of spam, this is only the second time (and apparently they were really into spamming me). So anyway I deleted them all. If it keeps up I guess i'll have to remove anonymous posting.