So even though David Wray said not to think too hard on the Spirituality Type exercise that we went through, I was perplexed by my results - not upset, just intrigued. You see I landed solidly within the Inner Life quadrant. Inner Life spirituality focuses on contemplation, inner peace, sometimes a monastic life, and prayer that seeks or leads to mystical union with God/Jesus/Spirit. At first I was really confused because according to Myers-Briggs I am an ENTP (yeah I know, to some including my wife a total shocker!) and I figured that being extroverted would kind of preclude me from something that requires a lot of solitude. However, reflecting on events from Monday and going back to my Myers-Briggs work-up, I think I've been able to reconcile what I perceived to be a dichotomy in my life. You see, my strongest personality function is N, intuition. This means that I am a creative problem solver, someone who takes in information by noticing patterns, possibilities, interrelationships and using my gut feeling. However, combine that with extraversion (drawing energy from people/activities/things) and you get the result that I like to share with people the ideas generated by this internal process.
Some of you might think this is useless information, but I guess I really wanted to share all this because I find it helps me understand why/how I do some of the things I do. Not that you should scramble to find out what your spiritual or personality types are, but maybe this insight into myself will help you understand and reconcile some aspects of your own life. As for me, the continual, inane rambling I do on this blog helps me in my faith journey so I can figure out what my spiritual role is or should be - I still don't know what that is, but perhaps the picture is getting a little less fuzzy now. Thanks for reading...
"Faith keeps many doubts in her pay. If I could not doubt, I should not believe."
-- Henry David Thoreau
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
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Hey Jamie! I'm an ESTJ - "Practical, realistic, matter-of-fact. Decisive, quickly move to implement decisions. Organize projects and people to get things done, focus on getting results in the most efficient way possible. Take care of routine details. Have a clear set of logical standards, systematically follow them and want others to also. Forceful in implementing their plans."
Wow! That was exhausting! (only kidding.) Your post gives me something intersting to ponder ... relative to my personality characteristics relating to my spirituality.
PS - No, I didn't just run out and do a Myers Briggs profile. I had done one before and referenced my type to respond to your posting. *wink*
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