
Thursday, February 15, 2007

progress via calamity

This article furthers my belief that most major scientific breakthroughs begin with the words, "Well, now that's odd?!" Or as in the title of Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes book, though probably not the intention he was going for, Scientific Progress Goes "Boink".

Lab disaster may lead to new cancer drug

The ideal quote supporting my belief...

"I made a calculation error and used a lot more than I should have. And my cells died," Schaefer said.

A colleague overheard her complaining. "The co-author on my paper said, 'Did I hear you say you killed some cancer?' I said 'Oh', and took a closer look."

Somewhere in all this, it feels like there is a story to be told about the humbling nature of divine intervention, but I'm thinking I'll leave that to each of you to fill in.