
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

polling in spirit

Considering that I've been told that there are some people out there who are reading this blog to hear more about ReGroup as I weave things together in preparation for an official kickoff, I figured information about it should be gathered in the spirit of the idea.

What do I mean by that exactly? Quite simply, rather than you passively reading my blog and wondering when I'll next toss some intellectual and practical morsels about ReGroup, it's your opportunity to contribute and interact. I want to know, those of you who are intrigued by the concept or excited about the idea, what questions do you have? What comments or concerns come to mind when you think about this endeavor? Or to put a different spin on things, did you read or hear my initial description and think that it was something you would love to start or join yourself? Let me know!

I could keep writing things as I think of them and work them out, but the fact that there are people wanting to know more and not knowing what questions they have makes it hard for me to write more about ReGroup. If I don't hear much, then I'll shift to some other topics that I've back-burnered for a while. If I hear a lot, maybe I'll consider spinning off a separate blog to tackle the subject in-depth -- which I may do eventually anyway.

Anyway, I look forward to hearing all your questions and comments, constructive feedback is always appreciated!


October 17, 2006 11:35 PM , Kathy:

Blessings to you, Jaime!

Your vision is intriguing, to say the least. Yes, I've wondered about some of the facets you've shared.

The idea of a small gathering, trying to keep ReGroup to about 15 is a very good one, in my opinion. However, what do you see will be the process to keep the group that small? Do you not envision others hearing about ReGroup and seeking you out? Or do you see ReGroup being short term and fluid with participants engaging with the group and then leaving after a period of time, leaving room for new people? Guess that's my question at this late hour of the night. :)

One thing for sure, I'll keep praying for guidance of the Holy Spirit as you join God where He is and where He is at work.

In the Light of His love, grace and mercy!



October 18, 2006 6:30 AM , Anonymous:

Kathy and James,

If I could weigh in here, my take on limiting the size would be the creation of a second group. As the first group increases in size to some point, then one of the members of the first group would take the roll of lead for a spin off group, resulting in two groups.


October 19, 2006 5:00 PM , Anonymous:

More thoughts about how to deal with maintaining the group dynamics when attendance gets larger than 12-15. As I said the one could become two groups. This of course can be a challenge since relationships have developed among all. Thus you may wish to make movement between groups somewhat fluid so that relationships can be maintained. For example each group could meet on different nights so if a person can't make one they would be free to attend their primary meeting. I think that this concept is something that AA uses so that you always have a place to go to.


October 21, 2006 11:13 AM , Kathy:

Another couple thoughts - I truly believe that as ReGroup binds itself to the guidance of the Holy Spirit the needs of the group will become apparent rather quickly. These needs can then be addressed as they arise. Size might well not be one of the major concerns of the group while addressing a participant's acute needs would be [as an example.]

Praying, Jaime, praying!